CDM Emergency Services Policy
For patients 14 years old and over:
- Emergency services are first-come, first-served based on availability. Please note that the wait time to be seen in emergency clinic can be prolonged due to the nature of emergencies presenting, with priority assigned to cases involving trauma, facial swelling, uncontrolled bleeding or acute infection around wisdom teeth. The Emergency Clinic is located on the 7th floor of the Vanderbilt Clinic at 622 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032.
- If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you may contact us at (212) 305-6100. We also accept walk-ins; however, availability of appointments may be limited.
- Emergency hours are from 9am to 5pm, Mondays – Fridays, with no patients seen between 12noon-1pm. We begin registering for emergency clinic appointments at 8:30am and 12:30pm. However, patients are advised to arrive earlier than these registration times as we have limited appointments available and they fill up quickly. Please note that in order to provide adequate time for appropriate care, patient intake will close promptly at 3pm. There is no guarantee that you will be seen in Emergency if you show up, as we only have limited number of slots available each session.
- Patients who have already been screened but not accepted as patients of the school because their required treatment was too complex and beyond the scope of dental students’ ability, are not eligible for dental school emergency services and should seek care with a private practice dentist or contact their local dental society for a referral to a dentist.
- We cannot guarantee same day availability but will make every effort to accommodate your needs. Please note that some care interventions may be too complex for our dental students and you may be referred to a post-graduate residency clinic or an outside provider.
- From time to time, if the nature of the emergency is not life-threatening, and we do not have available appointments, we may offer you an urgent care appointment for the following day.
- Emergency services are subject to closures during university holidays and some school-wide events. Information about emergency services closures will be available to patients if they contact us at (212) 305-6100 prior to arrival. Signs will also be posted in the Emergency Clinic reception room with closure details.
For patients 13 years old and younger as well as minors with special care needs:
- Emergency services are first-come, first-served based on availability. Please note that the wait time to be seen as an emergency can be prolonged, with priority assigned to cases involving trauma, facial swelling, uncontrolled bleeding or acute infection. Pediatric Dentistry is located in the Allen Rosenfield Building at 722 West 168th Street, Floor R8, New York, NY 10032.
- If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you may contact us at (212) 305-6754 or present as a walk-in to be evaluated.
- Emergency hours are from 9:00am to 5:00 pm, Mondays – Fridays, with no patients seen between 12noon-1:00pm. We begin registering for emergency walk-in appointments at 8:30am and 12:30pm. Patients are advised to arrive early as availability may be limited. Please note that in order to provide adequate time for appropriate care, patient intake will close promptly at 3pm.
- If the nature of the emergency is not life-threatening, and there is no same day appointment available, you may be offered the next available urgent care appointment.
- Emergency services are subject to closures during university holidays and some school-wide events. Information about emergency services closures will be available to patients if they contact (212) 305-6754 prior to arrival. Signs will also be posted at the Pediatric Dentistry Entrance Door with closure details.