Student Research

Student research is an integral and highly-valued activity at the College of Dental Medicine. There are a number of opportunities for students to become involved in research across a range of disciplines. Students at the College of Dental Medicine work in research settings across the University, the nation, and globally.
Our students have received national and international awards for their research and have presented first-authored abstracts at national professional meetings. The strength of the student research program is also shown via the 50+ year tradition of the William Jarvie Research Society (the dental student research group) and the annual Birnberg Student Research Program, which features the presentation of student research posters.
The College of Dental Medicine provides a supportive environment for predoctoral and postdoctoral participation in the exciting discoveries of biomedical research both at the University and beyond. The methodological and analytical approaches, refined during their research experiences at the College, serve our students well as they take their places in the dental profession at a time of profound advancement and innovation in the field.