
The generation of new knowledge through research is an integral and highly-valued activity at the College of Dental Medicine. Our faculty engages in wide ranging areas of research, from Oropharyngeal Cancer to Biomaterials/Regenerative Biology/Stem Cells, Neuroscience and Pain, Microbial Pathogenesis/Microbiome, Behavioral and Social Sciences/Population Oral Health, and Systemic and Oral Disease Interactions. Such research broadens the definition of dental medicine, building upon advances in the basic, oral health, and social sciences, and in education.
Columbia University has a long-standing, rich history in dental education and research. Dr. Gies (1872-1956), a professor of Biochemistry at the College of Physicians & Surgeons and a founder of the College of Dental Medicine, is recognized as a pioneer in the profession. He was an advocate for rigorous medical and scientific instruction in dental education. In the early 1950s the Birnberg Research Medal Award of the Dental Alumni of Columbia University was established to encourage dental research excellence and help stimulate public interest in support of dental research.
Faculty and students are proud to be part of a Columbia University legacy that promotes cutting-edge research. As we take dentistry into new and exciting directions, we advance the College’s century-old commitment to strengthening the profession and its practice through research and scholarly activity.
Chang H. Lee, PhD
Director of Research