Endodontics Program

About the Program
The Postdoctoral Endodontics program is a 24-month tuition-based program that begins July 1 each year. This two-year program of rigorous didactic and intensive clinical training is designed to prepare a dentist for the independent practice of endodontics. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive a Certificate in Endodontics from Columbia University.
The College of Dental Medicine's Endodontic Clinic serves the needs of a large and diverse population. As students progress through their two years of clinical training they have the opportunity to treat a large number of patients who present with a wide range of endodontic problems and require increasingly complex diagnoses, treatment plans, referral schedules, and medical consultations. The clinical faculty, most of whom are successful practitioners in New York City, have received their training from many different universities and bring vast clinical experience to share with their students.
Postdoctoral students participate in predoctoral teaching both to share their knowledge, skills, and experience with less advanced students and to further their own training since teaching is an excellent way of learning. The Division of Endodontics is strongly research-oriented; research skills and an appreciation and understanding of endodontics research are integral to the curriculum. All students participate in at least one research project.
Academic Program
The didactic program includes core biomedical science courses and intermediate and advanced endodontics courses, providing the knowledge base and analytical skills needed by the future endodontist as well as the life-long learning abilities to continue professional growth throughout his/her career.
Research Opportunities
Student research is an integral part of the curriculum of the program. Students have the opportunity to work with faculty members on research projects that are relevant to many areas of Endodontics. The results of their projects are submitted to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) for pesentations to the annual AAE meeting. Manuscripts are prepared for publication in scientific journals.
Year 1
ENDO D9200 Theory and Practice of Endodontics
- This course provides theoretical and practical baseline for the student. Guest lecturers will speak on current developments in the field of endodontics or related disciplines.
ENDO D9204 Anatomy and Technique of Endodontics
- This course is given as an introduction to the endodontics courses and clinic. It deals with the anatomy, especially the inner anatomy, of teeth. It is a two-part course: one part is didactic and the other involves practical exercises in extracted teeth. The didactic portion is a review of the literature regarding dental anatomy and access preparation.
ENDO D9205 Advanced Clinical Endodontics
- A series of seminars are designed to give the student an understanding of how to apply endodontic knowledge in a clinical practice environment.
ENDO D9206 Clinical Practice of Endodontics
- This course consists of clinical sessions providing supervised clinical experience in all phases of operative endodontics. Instruction and experience in teaching predoctoral clinical endodontics are included.
ENDO D9210 Review of Endodontic Literature
- This course is divided into three parts: classic literature review, current literature review, and textbook reviews. The literature is studied topic by topic.
ENDO D9211 Student Review of Current Literature
- The student is responsible for reading and presenting the assigned articles from the Journal of Endodontics and International Endodontic Journal. When necessary, other journals will also be used. The students must be prepared to discuss any articles scheduled for each seminar and present a written summary and critique of the articles they review in the seminars.
ENDO D9214 Pain Seminars
- Endodontists seek to relieve patients from pain. Occasionally, the treatment can cause post-operative pain. In addition, the patient should be given optimal pain relief during procedures. Therefore, it is imperative to provide the postgraduate endodontics students with an in-depth knowledge of endodontically-related pain and a deep understanding of pains of other origins.
ENDO D9216 Pulp Biology
- The pulp biology seminars are a review of the literature dealing specifically with the dental pulp and the pulp-dentin complex. The seminars involve students’ reading and presenting articles or book chapters, researching topics and presenting these to the class. The seminar series ends with a written examination.
ENDO D9218 Surgical Endodontics
- This course consists of a series of seminars designed to cover the theory of endodontic microsurgery and practical skills regarding microsurgical techniques and clinical sessions to perform endodontic microsurgery.
ENDO D9221 Endodontic Research
- The students are required to be involved in clinical or experimental research projects during the postdoctoral program. The results of their projects will be submitted to American Association of Endodontists (AAE) for presentations to the annual AAE meeting. Manuscripts will be prepared for the publications in the endodontic journals.
ENDO D9231 Comprehensive Endodontic Presentation
- The student delivers evidence-based presentations on a topic assigned by the program director. The presentation is followed by critical review of the literature presented.
DNSC D9900 Research Methodology and Biostatistics
DNSC D9901 Cariology
DNSC D9910 Clinical Oral Pathology/Oral Medicine
DNSC D9913 Responsible CBCT Use in Dentistry
DNSC D9925 Oral Biology
DNSC D9926 Advanced Treatment Planning
DNSC D9944 Practice Management Ethics – Jurisprudence
DNSC D9975 Physical Diagnosis
DNSC D9990 Pedagogy of preclinical and clinical teaching
IMPL D9004 Implant Treatment Planning & Surgical Conference
Year 2
ENDO D9200 Theory and Practice of Endodontics
- This course provides theoretical and practical baseline for the student. Guest lecturers will speak on current developments in the field of endodontics or related disciplines.
ENDO D9208 Clinical Practice of Endodontics
- This course consists of clinical sessions providing supervised clinical experience in all phases of operative endodontics. Instruction and experience in teaching predoctoral clinical endodontics are included.
ENDO D9212 Review of Endodontic Literature
- This course is divided into three parts: classic literature review, current literature review, and textbook reviews. The literature is studied by subject.
ENDO D9213 Student Review of Current Literature
- The student is responsible for reading and presenting the assigned articles from the Journal of Endodontics and International Endodontic Journal. When necessary, other journals will also be used. The students must be prepared to discuss any articles scheduled for each seminar and present a written summary and critique of the articles they review in the seminars.
ENDO D9214 Pain Seminars
- Endodontists seek to relieve patients from pain. Occasionally, the treatment can cause post-operative pain. In addition, the patient should be given optimal pain relief during procedures. Therefore, it is imperative to provide postgraduate endodontics students with an in-depth knowledge of endodontically-related pain and a deep understanding of pains of other origins.
ENDO D9216 Pulp Biology
- The pulp biology seminars are a review of the literature dealing specifically with the dental pulp and the pulp-dentin complex. The seminars involve the students’ reading and presenting articles or book chapters, researching topics and presenting these to the class. The seminar series ends with a written examination.
ENDO D9220 Surgical Endodontics
- This course consists of a series of seminars designed to cover the theory of endodontic microsurgery and practical skills regarding microsurgical techniques and clinical sessions to perform endodontic microsurgery.
ENDO D9222 Endodontic Research
- The students are required to be involved in clinical or experimental research projects during the postdoctoral program. The results of their projects will be submitted to American Association of Endodontists (AAE) for presentations to the annual AAE meeting. Manuscripts will be prepared for the publications in the endodontic journals.
ENDO D9232 Comprehensive Endodontic Presentation
- The student delivers evidence-based presentations on a topic assigned by the program director. The presentation is followed by critical review of the literature presented.
ENDO D9235 Legal Aspects of Endodontic Practice
- This course teaches the graduating endodontist how to navigate the narrow ethical path between the ADA Code of Ethics, #4C, that states “Patients should be informed of their present oral health status without disparaging comments about prior services”, and the next sentence that states, “When informing patients of the status of their oral health, the dentist should exercise care that his comments are truthful, informed, and justifiable”. These seemingly contradictory tenets will be explored, citing actual malpractice cases that have been adjudicated.
DNSC D9916 Orofacial Pain
DNSC D9926 Advanced Treatment Planning
DNSC D9990 Pedagogy of preclinical and clinical teaching
Program Details
Application Deadline
August 1
Available Positions
Participation in Dental Match
The Endodontics program does not participate in the Dental Match Program
Tuition and Fees
Review the 2023-2024 tuition and fees schedule here
Application Information
To apply to the Postdoctoral Endodontics program, eligible candidates are required to submit an application through the American Dental Education Association Postdoctoral Application Support Service (ADEA-PASS).
Apply to the Endodontics Program
Full-time Faculty
Sahng G. Kim, DDS, MS
Program Director
Mona Boside, DDS
Joonseon Kang, DDS
Priscilla Konecky
Jocelyn Magahis
Savita Singh, DDS
Part-time Faculty
Chia-Yi Chen, DDS
Jonathan Kim, DDS
Sookyung Kim, DDS
Jack Levi, DDS
Gayatri Vohra, DDS
Accreditation Statement
The program in Endodontics is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association and has been granted the accreditation status of "Approval without Reporting Requirements.” The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) 440-4653, by visiting the ADA or by mail at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-2678.