Exploring Biofilm Microbiomes: Integrating Biology, Engineering, and Dentistry
CDE Credits: 1
Format: Held in-person only.
Guest Speaker and Birnberg Research Awardee: Michel (Hyun) Koo, DDS, PhD - Co-founding Director, Center for Innovation & Precision Dentistry; Professor, Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Pennsylvania.
Course Director: Chang Lee, PhD - Associate Professor with Tenure, Regenerative Engineering Laboratory; Associate Director, Center for Dental and Craniofacial Research; Director of Research, Columbia University CDM; Affiliate Faculty, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University.
Audience: All full-time CDM faculty and all CDM pre-doc and post-doc students and residents are requested to attend. Others in CUIMC and CU may join the event, subject to space availability. (Research poster viewing from 3-5 PM open to all.)
Location: Faculty Club, 4th Floor, 630 W. 168th St.
12 PM - Birnberg Award Lecture - Michel (Hyun) Koo, DDS, PhD
1 PM - 1:50 PM - Faculty and Student Luncheon*
* Lunch will be provided to those who attend the lecture. Pre-registration required.
Location: Schaeffer Gallery (by the Alumni Auditorium), 650 W. 168th St.
2 PM - 3 PM - Poster Judging Session (closed)
3 PM - 5 PM - Research Poster Viewing (open poster session)