Implant Planning in the Elderly Patient - Treatment Considerations
Alumni Guest Speaker: Jenny Mathews, DDS. MS, PhD - Private Periodontist Practice, Westport, CT
Course Director and Moderator: James B. Fine, DMD - Senior Associate Dean, Postdoctoral Academic and Student Affairs; Professor of Dental Medicine at CUMC, Section of Oral, Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Sciences, Columbia University CDM
Audience: Dental professionals / Specialists
Format: Lecture, literature review, and case discussions, held in-person
Location: ColumbiaDoctors Midtown, NYC
CDE Credits: 2
Course Fee: $110 - discounts apply for CDM Alulmni/Faculty. Refreshments and light snack provided.
Details / Register - Registration is open.
Course Description: As the aging population continues to grow, the need for dental implants among older adults has become increasingly prominent. Explore the impact that age has on dental implant treatment and discuss the various issues and adaptations necessary to ensure successful outcomes for older patients including age-related:
Oral Health considerations
Medical considerations
Changes in bone morphology and structure
Surgical considerations
Review of cases